Interview Alumni

RA Anja von Rosenstiel, MA, LL.M., bar admission MA pending (6/19)

American Law LL.M., Class of 2018

Current position / Employer:

Self employed

Why did you choose to study law?

Strong interest in history, politics, psychology, negotiation, conflict resolution – policy making as high school student, and participation in debate competitions made me chose law.

Why did you choose to study at Boston University School of Law?

It was a requirement to get an American Law degree to be admitted to take the bar, combined with strong specialized programs in tax and banking law, as well as the deep rootedness of BU Law School in the Boston Metro area, where I live.

What was your contact to other students like?

Strong, lasting contacts with other students through forming study groups, participating together in trips organized and offered through the program; going to career fairs together, rich social life at the school facilitated through many events organized through the program or students in the program (i.e. thanksgiving dinner, sports events, skiing).

Did you profit from Boston University School of Law’s network?

Yes, very much so! Facilitated through a judicial clerkship at the U.S. District Court for Massachusetts with one of the judges who teaches at BU Law.

Do you still have contact to your study colleagues?

Yes, I do! Through doing so much together – also outside of the program- strong bonds make it easy to keep up the contact.

Where there any alumni reunions after you finished your LL.M?
If yes, how did they look like?

Yes, I participated in two alumni reunions already – three day events with a scheduled program.

How did attending Boston University School of Law change your career?

I was well prepared to take the American bar (BU has a much higher success rate than other law schools).  Having the license to practice law makes a big difference - I’m now able to do cross-border legal work. Professors at the school taught me so much more than the law, the culture behind it and helped us to adapt to the culture of legal debate. The practical experience of many of the teachers was very helpful to get a practical understanding of a field of law and helped with the networking in my specialized area of law.

Which was your favorite course / part of the program you attend?

Contract Law was exciting and gave me a totally different perspective (law and economics; law and code; law and alternative dispute resolution); Constitutional Law (best preparation for my clerkship) and International Estate Taxation (BU specialized programs which can be combined with more general courses such as trust and estates).

Why would you recommend Boston University School of Law’s study program to future students?

BU offers a high quality, high powered academic program; access to rich cutting-edge practical experience through law clinics and practically orientated LLM courses; very well connected in the city; great professional career support.