Peter Cremer Holding GmbH & Co. KG

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Über Peter Cremer Holding GmbH & Co. KG

Our values

Showing respect to people and Mother Earth

  • As a family-run company, we feel that we have a particular responsibility for the well-being of our employees and their personal development.
  • We enjoy our work because we work together in a successful team. We laugh together and also laugh at ourselves as an expression of our vitality.
  • We carefully observe the developments inside and outside our company to seize opportunities and anticipate risks.
  • We see ourselves as being cosmopolitan. This implies, as a matter of course, a cross-cultural attitude, tolerance, as well as a decent and respectful demeanour.
  • We have always been committed to an environmentally friendly way of using the world's resources.
  • We are a performance-oriented company that strives to improve continuously.
  • Long-term success is more important to us than short-term profit.
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