Interview Professor

Dr. Carlos Llorente

Visiting Professor

Where do you come from?

I am a Spanish national, with strong family ties in Madrid (my birthplace), the Basque Country and Italy and very good friends all around the world, including Latvia. One may say I am a happy global by-product of an already lost open and free world.

What courses do you teach?

I teach Comparative Contract and Commercial Law for Masters students and International Commercial Law for Bachelor students. I have been teaching at RGSL for over ten years.

What is the main thing the students should take from your course?

International business transactions are a legal puzzle where students need to learn the appropriate method to put all the pieces together.

Your authority/role model in your professional field?

I am an iconoclast. I do not believe in role models by name (or, as they call them now, influencers). My role models are all those hard-working, good-hearted, open-minded, ground-breaking, frequently anonymous professionals who really make a difference and contribute to making this world a better one.

A must-read book in your field?

European Private International Law (Granada 2022), edited by two exceptionally gifted and highly-praised PIL Spanish professors, Alfonso-Luis Calvo Caravaca and Javier Carrascosa González, who happen to be very good friends of mine.

The one fun thing you want our students to know about you?

I am an extremely serious, funny person.