Interview Professor

Christopher M. Bruner

Stembler Family Distinguished Professor in Business Law

How long have you been teaching at the University of Georgia School of Law? And what brought you here?

Since 2017.  The institutional commitment to business-related subjects – both domestically and internationally – was a big draw for me. I was raised in a university town much like Athens and immediately felt at home here.

What defines the University of Georgia School of Law? What is unique about it?

UGA Law represents a wonderful mix of cosmopolitanism and local community.

What is your daily routine as a professor?

I spend my time reading, writing, teaching, talking with students and faculty colleagues, and Zooming with colleagues in my field around the world.

Which course(s) do you teach?

I teach a range of corporate and transactional courses, including Contracts, Corporations, Corporate Finance, Corporate Sustainability, Comparative Corporate Law, Deals, and Securities Regulation.

How do you support young lawyers at the University of Georgia School of Law?

I routinely meet with students to discuss their career plans and goals, and have invited alumni to class to discuss how their own careers have unfolded.

What qualifications / prior knowledge do you require students to have in order to study at the University of Georgia School of Law (i.e. admission requirements but also soft skills)?

Part of the dynamism of the U.S. legal classroom is precisely the fact that our students approach the law with such different educational backgrounds and from such different perspectives. The common denominator, however, is that legal study requires strong analytical skills and writing ability.

What do you value most about working at the University of Georgia School of Law?

The UGA Law community.

What do you do in your leisure time?

I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, running, and traveling.

Name three terms that you associate with the word „law“.

Justice, rights, responsibilities.

You are planning a law-free weekend on a desert island and you are allowed to take only three things with you. What would they be?

A beach chair, a book, and a device capable of streaming Premier League matches.

Which advice would you like to give every young lawyer?

Know thyself.