Interview Student

Alessandro Nolfo


Class of:


Why have you decided to pursue a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree?

Pursuing a Master of Laws in the United-States was a long time goal that I wanted to accomplish. The main objective was to increase my knowledge of law. After studying Law in Switzerland and obtaining my Bachelor and Master degrees, I wanted to study Common Law. Also, studying law in a different country and in a different language was intellectually challenging. I wanted to challenge myself and have an international experience to build my career. This choice also provided an opportunity for specialization. Doing an LLM in Comparative Law with concentration in Business and Corporate Law gave me specific knowledge about the topic I most enjoy.

Why did you choose to study at the University of San Diego School of Law?

The University of San Diego School of Law was the School that best fits my interests. The Comparative Law program offered by the school permitted me to build my curricula in order to reach my academic and professional goals. The professors are nationally recognized legal scholars and devoted instructors. The school also offer career counseling and many opportunities to network. Finally, the LLM program permits the international students to study side-by-side with JD students.

Describe the LL.M. course you are studying.

LLM in Comparative Law (Business & Corporate Law concentration)

Which classes do you like most and why?

The great variety of classes offered by the school permitted me to choose classes that I enjoy. But if I had to choose one, I would say Corporate Finance. This class is a perfect mix between theory and real life situation. As an attorney, an understanding of finance is really important. With this class I learned the business side in a lawyer’s career.

How do you finance your education?

My education is financed by private funds and a Merit scholarship. My family helped me to pay for the program.

What was your most exiting, interesting, astonishing or hilarious experience at San Diego School of Law so far?

The most exciting parts of this experience are all the events organized by the school, like the Dean’s mixer or the international student events. You constantly have the chance to mingle with Professors, staffs, JD and international students in a very convivial way. Those events permit you to build very strong personal and professional relationships.

What is the best thing about the program?

Building the program that best fits your interests. Having a great variety of interesting class and building your program as you wish. Because of that, I could built my program in accordance with my personal and professional goals.

Name three terms that you associate with the word „law“.

Responsibility – Passion - Challenge

What are your plans after graduating?

My short terms plans are to acquire experience in a Law Firm using the Optional Practical Training (OPT) option in January 2019, and take the California Bar Exam in July 2019. Taking the bar in the state I studied in is the final accomplishment after my LLM.

What advice do you have prospective students?

Study hard but also enjoy every moment while you are here, because the experience you will have in San Diego will change your life.