Osgoode Professional Development – Osgoode Hall Law School of York University

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Osgoode Professional Development – Osgoode Hall Law School of York University

Über Osgoode Professional Development – Osgoode Hall Law School of York University

OsgoodePD is a division of Osgoode Hall Law School, which has been shaping the future of legal education since 1889. From pioneering innovation in legal education, to our faculty's contribution as thought leaders, to the alumni who overcame barriers in the legal community and paved the way for others, Osgoode plays a central role in Canada's legal history and future.



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Number of professors


Number of students

Professor-student ratio


Sehr geringSehr hoch


NCA accreditation courses in LL.M. in Canadian Common Law.

Renowned professors

  • Jinyan Li
  • Kimberley Brooks
  • Neil Brooks
  • Scott Wilkie


Degree to be obtained

Professional LL.M. in

  • Canadian Common Law (full-time)
  • International Business Law (full-time)
  • Tax Law (full-time)


Winter term

Start: January
Duration: 9 months

Summer term

Start: August
Duration: 1 months

Practical relevance

Our programs are a combination of practical and academic knowledge. You will be able to apply your knowledge in a legal work environment. Our LLM graduates go on to work in many different setting in Canada and around the world. Interested in staying in Canada after your LL.M.? Career development support is at your fingertips including access to internships.


Summer Study Abroad Partner with Bucerius Law School

Student profile

Your prospective classmates come from a variety of backgrounds and are attracted to OsgoodePD programs for different reasons. Our students include:Canadian citizens who completed their law degree abroad, and want to undertake accreditation to be licensed to practice in CanadaInternationally trained lawyers and experienced professionals who manage legal issues and risks and want to have the legal expertise to inform their decision-makingRecent law school graduates who want to specialize in a practice area to gain a competitive edge

Semesters and Semester

Full-time: Students complete the specialization in one year (12 credits per term over three terms).


  • Business Law
  • Economics & Business
  • Employment Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Tax Law

Kosten und Finanzierung


Tuition fees ($)

Info on Tuition fees ($)

Program fees are paid in installments each term:

  • Students in full-time specialization pay fees over three full-time terms

Students who complete the program in fewer than the above number of terms will have their final installment(s) added at the end of their program. Students who require more than the above number of terms will be subject to additional tuition fees.

Total Program Fee Excluding Supplementary Fees
Full-Time Fee or Accelerated Per Term Including Supplementary Fees

Grants & scholarship

International Student Entrance Scholarships

Entrance scholarships are awarded to international students applying to a full-time LLM program who demonstrate the strongest academic ability and potential as indicated by their application materials. The maximum amount awarded is $5,000. All individuals who apply and have submitted all required documents by the international application deadlines (late February for the Fall intake and late July for the Winter intake) of the year in which they intend to start the program and meet the criteria are eligible for these scholarships and will automatically be considered for an entrance scholarship (see application deadlines for details). If a scholarship is awarded, it will be credited to the student’s financial account during the Winter term.

The Professor Marilyn L. Pilkington Award

Professor Marilyn L. Pilkington, the Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School from 1993 to 1998 and founder of Osgoode Professional Development, established this award to be given to a student pursuing studies in the LLM program. The award will be granted annually (each Fall term) to a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, protected person, resident of Ontario, on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. Preference will be given to a graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School. Applications for the Professor Marilyn L. Pilkington are made through the Osgoode Professional Development bursary application.


Osgoode Professional Development bursaries are granted to LLM students with financial need. Online bursary applications open August 1 and close November 15 each year. Students beginning the program in the Winter term may apply by the November 15 deadline to be considered for bursaries in their first term. For more information please see our bursary policy.


Application deadline

In General students are able to apply for the LL.M. between November and February for the Fall intake. We do strongly encourage applicants to apply as early as possible to increase their chances of getting into the program (spots fill up quickly) as well as be considered for a scholarship.

Due to the current situation just the deadline to domestic applicants of full-time programs was extended: The new deadline is May 15, for the Fall 2020 start.

How to apply

 Apply for your OsgoodePD Professional LLM in 3 steps.

Apply Online

Wait for Application Confirmation

Submit Application Documents

  • Resume/CV
  • Writing Sample
  • Recommendation Forms
  • Transcripts
  • Supplementary Form
  • Proof of Language


  • Business Law
  • Economics & Business
  • Employment Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Tax Law


Student facts

We have a large and diverse graduate student population.Wide variety of courses to choose fromAcademically-rigorous compared to international LLM programs

Study location

Osgoode Professional Development operates out of two locations: one in downtown Toronto, and the other at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University’s Keele Campus.
Our international programs get the best of both locations with easy access to the city’s core at the downtown location, and the support services and campus facilities at the Keele Campus location.


For housing options on the York University campus, please click here.

Club & Society

  • Full-time LLM social committee
  • Full-time LLM external events committee
  • Legal & Literary Society (offers clubs)
  • Laws in Action Within Schools (LAWS)
  • Osgoode Mature Students Association
  • Osgoode Peer Support
  • Pro Bono Students Canada

Leisure activities

When you are admitted to the full-time LL.M., we organize a series of orientation activities that take you to a variety of tourist attractions around Toronto.
Once you’ve started classes, you have the option to join our social or external events committee. The committees organize outings for the full-time LL.M. class such as netwroking, speaker events and professional development workshops. You also have the option to join the student associations at Osgoode and on the York University campus.
There are a myriad of ways to get in involved. When you become a full-time LL.M. student at Osgoode, you join not only a group of internationally trained lawyers, but the Osgoode and York community as a whole.
Find out more about activities on campus here.

Support for parents/disabled

To find out more about York University’s accessibility and accomodation services, please click here.

Child care services are provided by the Lee Wiggins Childcare Centre on campus. For more information, please click here.

International students

Our full-time LL.M. students come from:

  • Bangladesh
  • China
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • England
  • Germany
  • Ghana
  • India
  • Jamaica
  • Malaysia
  • Mongolia
  • Netherlands
  • Nigeria
  • Singapore
  • Zimbabwe

Average age
